Cherry Beach on Winter time

Cherry Beach
Jan.24,2015 – 8:06AM ( -22 Deg. C)
“life of a nature capture enthusiast, there will be days where you won’t get a glimpse of a perfect sunrise (like this one..) but knowing we are just a speck on these beautiful creations makes you appreciate vast phenomena of the physical world.” 
It was a freezing -22 Degrees C outside and yet I still ventured, hoping to get a perfect sunrise in the horizon. Though it was mostly overcast that day in the sky, a glimpse did occur as if the sun is telling me that ” I’m just here, at the back of the clouds” …. waited for about 20-25 minutes after the projected sunrise before I get to capture this seemingly ray of hope that there will come a day I’ll soon capture that elusive perfect sunrise someday… for now, all I can do is try again another day….

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